"The painter should not paint what he sees, but what will be seen." Paul Valéry
Alexandra Odelle's intimately-scaled paintings and drawings operate within a rigorous aesthetic framework. Tiny and ambiguous forms swarm and oscillate over the surface of her works, emitting subtle movements through an array of marks. Restless, cyclic interchanges evoke palpable sensation, seeming to call for interpretation and recognition, which continue to elude.
By imposing aesthetic rules, which include intensely deliberate colour relations and compulsive, repetitive mark-making, many of these works seems to evolve from small inputs. The resultant harmonious and organic patterning describes a more complex meta-image, which is concerned with the presence of harmony, disharmony, order, disorder, rhythm, and phantasm.
Produced both for maker and viewer, these works demand respect and close consideration. The arduous process of their making is made immediately evident, but an element of the obsessive suggests devotion rather than labourious toil; harnessing effort and attention towards the creation of something precious.