To make abstract art is to make with freedom from any representational qualities. For this exhibition, Abstract, we have brought together a collection of artists who each explore the world of abstraction. Central to the work in this exhibition is colour as seen in the painting of Theresa Waugh, Wendy Kawabata and Simon Cuming and line as used by Karyn Taylor, Robbie Fraser and Julien Dyne.
The concept of making art which is unconcerned with the literal depiction of things from the visible world is not new. Abstract elements have always been used by artists to illustrate and reproduce the world of nature and civilization. However, non-objective abstract art grew as a trend in the 20th century and coincided with advances in science, technology and psychoanalysis. This exhibition highlights artists who continue with this trajectory of abstraction by exploring the formal terms of tone, colour, line, texture and geometry.