Glaister Ennor Graduate Art Awards

23 July 2019 - 28 July 2020

Each year, Auckland Art schools are asked to nominate their top Honours and Masters students for the Glaister Ennor Graduate Art Award, a non-acquisitional monetary award given to help launch emerging artists into successful careers in the arts. The winning artist will also be invited to mount a solo exhibition at Sanderson Contemporary in 2020.

The entries from all four schools (AUT, Elam, Unitec and Whitecliffe) will be shown in a group exhibition at Sanderson Contemporary Art from 23 – 28 July 2019. The winner will be announced at a private function on the 24th July.

The nominated artists are Jacob Abdale Vague, Andrea Bolima, Julie Cromwell, Leicester Elias, Ella Mangan, Gerry Parke, Karlin Raju, Kate Russell, Raymond Sagapolutele, Bailey Simpson, Charleen Singh, Sheree Stone, Gabriel Tiongson, Edward Wheeler