...a series of delicate watercolours on paper, focusing on small-scale colour studies with intricately coloured patterns.
Jon Tootill’s practice is informed by pattern and colour. Drawing inspiration from raranga (weaving /plaiting), tukutuku (wall-panel weaving) and whakairo (carving), Tootill creates beautifully paired-back patterns that often mimic repetitive forms found in nature.
The patterns, or raranga and tukuruku, have a specific name or dialogue relating to their use or message. Tootill describes this new series of works as "templates or studies for larger works to see what colours or combinatiosn work with this papakirango (pattern)".
In his new exhibition UHINGARO /CODE, Tootill presents a series of delicate watercolours on paper, focusing on small-scale colour studies with intricately coloured patterns. As the title of the exhibition suggests, Tootill explores art's ability to communicate through a coded visual language of identity and meaning.