Simon Kaan has carefully curated a show of both new works by the artist alongside works by Jon Tootill and Wi Taepa.
Simon Kaan's work show a new direction for the artist, working in washes of coloured ink, the circular landscapes are dreamlike. The works feature Kaan's signature signature iconography and split horizon lines.
Jon Tootill’s practice is informed by pattern and colour. Drawing inspiration from raranga (weaving /plaiting), tukutuku (wall-panel weaving) and whakairo (carving), Tootill creates beautifully paired-back patterns that often mimic repetitive forms found in nature.
Sanderson Gallery is excited to present new works by senior Māori clay artist Wi Taepa after his recent retrospective exhibition at Auckland Art Gallery.
Taepa's black clay vessels represent Te Kore (the void), the realm of potential being. While this idea is pertinent to humankind, the symbology extends to the life and materiality of the artists medium and it's endless forms and possibilities. Though, Taepa argues that the relationship between ceramicist and clay is symbiotic; one must not enforce their ideas on the clay but rather work with it. Wi Taepa's long career of clay work holds an important place in New Zealand art history and we are thrilled to exhibit his work